

Whew. Its been awhile. Back in school and loathing life once again, save for guitar, video games and playoff baseball. Anyhoo, I promise the posts will return to their former consistency! I just got lazy these last few months

To kick things off is Minneapolis' Good Luck. Two guys, a girl and a pop-punk record that isn't afraid to get a little dancey, a little noodley or really fucking cute. This is not any Dillinger Four, Gunmoll 'I-like-beer-and-bros-and-bitching-about-women-who-won't-put-out' pop-punk. This is pop-punk for lovers. Definitely has a persistent beat and some good rocking-out but the guitar is so damn melodic and almost clean that it steers away from some of the genre's macho tendencies. Staying true to their Minny roots, they do a cover of Prince's 'When You Were Mine' on their demo!

but this isn't the demo... This is a whole album of sugary, guitary, wimpy sap and I love it

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