

Ladies and gentlemen! Now entering the ring, weighing in at a metric-ton, from TUMWAAAAATER Washington, the one, the only, KAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRP!

Welcome to Monday Night RAW. My name is Jim Ross and this is Karp's self-titled LP from 1997. This album has amazing instrumentation. Everything you could want in a raging rock-record is right here. Tight, furious drumming. Fuzzy-all-the-time bass playing and oh yeah, some of the best chugga-chugga riffing EVER! The one-two of 'Bacon Industry' and 'Forget the Minions' is too good to be followed but oh yeah, they do. Sludgy, Rockin', Punishing and oddly, catchy! Oh yeah, they were on K... this still makes me scratch my head... oh yeah!


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