

Disclaimer: If you do not like loud, angry, dissonant, and punishing music then it's very likely you won't like this.

Now, first things first... HOLY SHIT! I slept on this band for so long and I have no idea why. I listened to this album on the way home last night and it is so perfect. Not perfect in a broader sense of music, just perfect for what it is. The music made by this two piece is so perfectly untainted by any aspirations of success, popularity, notoriety, or any other desire that can often compromise the important aspects of good extreme music. I really got a sense that these guys are only doing this for themselves. This is pure modern powerviolence with such a perfect dose of harsh-noise and slower-parts to break up the wall of fury. PERFECT! PERFECT! PERFECT!

The songs totally bleed into each other but it's in such a perfect way that it feels like one continuous piece of music. The riffs are so atonal and percussive that none of the songs have an identifiable key or even a melody and alternately, could all be in some magical, imperceptible key that normal humans can't actually hear. The playing is flawless, the vocals are perfectly angry and they never veer too far into metal territory. This is exactly what modern powerviolence bands need to look to. No more angry frat boys taking off their shirts and playing grindcore with more tempo changes and calling it powerviolence. THIS IS POWERVIOLENCE!!! All hail the Iron Lung!!!


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