NOOOOOOO MOOOOOOOORE!!!! For me this is as good as any hardcore record ever made by Black Flag, Bad Brains, Minor Threat or anyone else. Youth of Today were a special band and I think that gets lost in their politics, being one of the first bands to make straight-edge and animal-rights a lyrical concern on this level, I do understand. I think they really defined what hardcore was in the mid 80's though. More than anyone else, the influence of their songwriting and guitar playing can be heard in almost every modern hardcore band that values the old-school, from Rival Mob to Cult-Ritual. A real classic
I was a metal kid...my friend(a skateboarder into sigue sigue sputnick/Depeche Mode and other electronics) suggested Youth of Today to me. He was like it's fast you'll dig it!!!!! I went to the local record store and bought this very same tape(it was the late 80's,I had a ghetto blaster). Anyhow I put it on and it blew me away!!!!! However, I was bummed,I just spent 8 dollars and the music was over in a flash... I was used to 50 min. tapes.To this day it's Still a killer record/tape/mp3!!!!!!