

Well fuck. It's been a long time. I've been going through some hellish personal stuff in the last month and for some reason writing about records that have already been written about more times than necessary just didn't seem all that important, but... Here I am alone at 11:44 PM, jacked on coffee, listening to DYS and looking at that little tab on my browser that reminds me I have a music blog that I haven't done anything with in a long fucking time...

so back to what's important in life! D.Y.S. were part of the militant Bawston crew of the early 80's and I'll SS your D if you don't think they sound a hell of a lot like their brethren in Jerry's Kids and yes, SSD. Maybe a tad more sloppy than those bands so they end up sounding a bit more fun while still preaching the values of the edge... bro. If you don't like hardcore bands with "youth" in their name, then you won't like this but hey, if you don't like Youth of Today then you don't like hardcore.


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