I feel like this is not commonly mentioned alongside Born in The USA, Born to Run, Nebraska, Darkness, etc... A shame really, because this double LP boasts everything fantastic about the Boss and if you want an intro that strays from his more recognizable songs, which can sometimes cloud an attempt to discover an artist, this is perfect. Rockers, pop songs, ballads, story telling... this is classic Bruce and from 1980 so you know he was basically on top of his game when this was cut.
Now, I understand there may be a certain stigma among people who have yet to understand the Boss' appeal. Contributing factors could be;
-too much cheese (cheese is subjective but fair enough)
-very commercial (yes, this shit is catchy as hell)
-boomers worship this guy (two of the most vapid, consumer-zombie fifty-somethings I've ever met loved the Boss as well)
-hipsters, particularly the cutesy, beck-listening, marcel-dzama-loving, catcher-in-the-rye-reading variety, loooove the Boss (because they fetishize artistic authenticity and when it comes to discussion of Springsteen, that seems to be the subject of choice)
thus, the question is surely asked by the dude in the Cult Ritual shirt, with stick and pokes, skinny jeans, a septum piercing and an extensive knowledge of Death In June "Why the fuck do I want to listen to some cheesy ass, MOR bullshit, boomer, ironic-hipster loved dickhead who sings about cars, girls and small towns?"
Because this dickhead understands your emotions better than you ever will.
p.s. He wrote a song for the Ramones! Unfortunately, his label wouldn't let him give it to them because it was too good but hey, now you can't say Springsteen didn't get punk(s)