

Do you like Black Metal? There are two kinds of hipsters I often notice. Those who are unconsciously apolitical, buy everything aside from food at urban outfitters, exclusively listen to whatever currently occupies pitchfork's 'best new music' and go to more fashion blogs than music blogs. On the other side of the coin are hipsters who are very political (whether or not they know what they're talking about is irrelevant now,) try very hard to be weird in ominous ways (ironically dress like 90's goths, listen to Death in June or other bands that are of dubious morals,) post weird pictures on tumblr of suburban kids in knockoff Nike shirts that were taken with digital cameras made in 2001 and oh yeah... LISTEN TO BLACK METAL!

Sorry to all you kvlt bros out there but black metal has, for a long time now, been co-opted by hipsters and has officially become part of the how-to-be-instantly-cool cannon. Who is to blame? Vice and the internet obviously, but lets look at black metal itself...

Political? sure! it largely became prominent when it was the music genre of choice for young Norwegians eager to destroy the philosophical and moral tyranny that christianity had imposed on their country centuries before. Let's see... try very hard to be weird in an ominous way? wearing melted Kiss makeup and never smiling? sounds about right, and never mind listening to music of dubious morals, lots of black metal bands are just openly racist... to make the comparison easier, of course. Lastly, wanna know a good place to find weird, grainy photos? tumblr? No, try black metal album covers. Sorry to anyone still clinging to the idea that listening to black metal made you any kind of an individual that was immune to trend and culture...

But hey, it's fuckin' good music! Like this record from Ulver. Black metal meets pastoral goth-rock in the early 90's... yes please!

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