Heard this for the first time the other day and oof... this is what garage rock should sound like. Dripping with fuzz and stoned-angst while being sung by someone who can scream like a banshee as well as seduce you with a haunting croon. Oddly enough, the singer for this here band is none other than Fred Cole of Dead Moon! Cool hey! Guy is in obscure one-and-done sixties garage band then goes on to form one of the most prolific and well-loved garage/punk/DIY bands of all time! Not that I'm saying Dead Moon are on everyone's shelf or anything but I've never met someone that didn't like 'em!
Anyway, lot's of goodness here. Great guitar playing, songs, jams and singing. Cole sounds fantastic too! Shades of what was to come with Dead Moon but also a singing style that at times sounds like Greg Sage... probably just a wee lad in Portland at the time but clearly he heard this before he started the Wipers.
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