This is one of my favourite Neil Young albums and as far as I can tell, it's not really included in the cannon of his greatest albums. A damn shame really, as this is his best synthesis of country-balladry and drunken guitar-wailing. It was widely unavailable and fairly unknown for a long time because it was not transferred to CD or reissued after its 1977 release. Thankfully about eight years ago it was reissued alongside
On the Beach and a few other not-so-greats...
Now people will tell you that On the Beach is his classic 'lost' album and the great minds over at
pitchfork gave it a 9.5 rating, which didn't help the throngs of hipsters who immediately decided it was their faaaavourite Neil Young album... well those people don't know
After the Gold Rush from
Trans, maaaannnnn! This is the shit, trust me. Country-fried bummer jams for the weary soul. Tear in your beer shit
Have you ever seen Human Highway? Neil Young's movie with Devo. So amazingly bad(in a good way?). Check out him and Devo jammin' Hey Hey,My My...on youtube.