

Before being a washed-up goth dad, an overly cocky tough-guy, a prima donna rockstar with demands of french onion soup and all the other hilariously pathetic stories we'll probably never hear, Danzig was fucking rad. Obviously he was in the fucking Misfits when they were actually good but he was also asked by Lyle Preslar and Brian Baker of fucking MINOR THREAT to start a band after both bands had called it quits. As if that wasn't enough to convince you this guy was fucking cool, there he is on the cover of fucking Thrasher in 86' when it was probably the coolest fucking magazine in existence. Gradually his ego was fed and well... shit happens. Some people just end up shitty and I guess Ziggy is one of them but hey, he was cranking out decent shit from 78' to 92', which is not a bad run if you ask most people. Scoff all you want but this, his first solo LP, is the fucking jam.


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